Information for

Een te strakke
tongriem of lipband?

Een te strakke tongriem en/of lipband kan voor functionele problemen zorgen. Deze site is bedoeld voor vragen en informatie over tongriemen en lipbandjes voor ouders, verwijzers en collega’s.


De Tongriem kliniek is de eerste kliniek in Nederland en continentaal Europa voor consulten, behandelingen, wetenschappelijk onderzoek en het verstrekken van informatie.


Desgewenst kunt u een afspraak maken voor een consult en/of behandeling.

Een te strakke
tongriem of lipband?

Een te strakke tongriem en/of lipband kan voor functionele problemen zorgen. Deze site is bedoeld voor vragen en informatie over tongriemen en lipbandjes voor ouders, verwijzers en collega’s.


De Tongriem kliniek is de eerste kliniek in Nederland en continentaal Europa voor consulten, behandelingen, wetenschappelijk onderzoek en het verstrekken van informatie.


Desgewenst kunt u een afspraak maken voor een consult en/of behandeling.

Background information tongue tie problems

Background information about release for babies and all ages for parents, caregivers and dentists

Background information

Growing up with tongue-tie issues

The Tongue Tie Clinic
has a multiple step approach


During the consultation the dentist or general practitioner will check if a tight tongue tie and/ or lip tie is present and related to the problems mentioned in the intake form. Followed by an explanation whether the symptoms are related to the ties. An advice will be given about a possible treatment.

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During the consultation the intake form is discussed with the parents and the dentist performs a physical assessment of the appearance and function of the teeth, tongue- and or lip tie and surrounding muscles and tissues. If the tongue and/or lip tie is restricted it will be explained how it could be related to the current problems of the infant and an advice will be given. It is possible to have a treatment in the same session, but a separate appointment is also an option.

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During the consultation the intake form is discussed and the dentist performs a physical assessment of the appearance and function of the teeth, tongue- and or lip tie and surrounding muscles and tissues. If the tongue and/or lip tie is restricted it will be explained how it could be related to the current problems and an advice will be given. It is possible to have a treatment in the same session, but a separate appointment is also an option.

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A Lactation Consultant IBCLC is present before, during and after the consultation and possible treatment to assist with the feeding. She is there to answer feeding questions and can help to prepare a bottle or assist latching on to the breast in a short time period. The wound will be checked after the feeding. There is a possibility to go to an aftercare appointment to have an extra check top regarding the wound healing and to answer feeding questions.

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To achieve an optimal result, we recommend exercises. This is to improve the tongue/lip in relation to their surrounding muscles and tissues. Besides these exercises we recommend Oro Myofunctional Therapy (OMFT). It can help to improve the tongue position. The focus regarding OMFT is the tongue function, nose breathing and the right way of swallowing.

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To achieve an optimal result, we recommend exercises. This is to improve the tongue/lip in relation to their surrounding muscles and tissues. Besides these exercises we recommend Oro Myofunctional Therapy (OMFT). It can help to improve the tongue position. The focus regarding OMFT is the tongue function, nose breathing and the right way of swallowing.

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In case a treatment takes place, the treatment will be explained and what to expect after the treatment. Depending on the age, superficial anaesthesia is applied with a cotton swab before the treatment takes place for baby’s and young children.

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If treatment takes place the treatment will be explained and what to expect after the treatment. Young infants will receive a superficial anaesthetic cream to numb the surface of the procedure site. Our clinic uses elektrosurgery to remove the lip- and or tongue tie.

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If treatment takes place the treatment will be explained and what to expect after the treatment. Local infiltration anaesthesia with a syringe and needle will be used to numb the surgical site, before the treatment takes place. Our clinic uses elektrosurgery to remove the lip- and or tongue tie.

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Extra training

Not all patients have access to professional help from speech therapists or other health care providers. See if it is possible to follow OMFT (oromyofunctional therapy).
It is very important to do exercises before and after the surgical treatment. Without these exercises, there is a chance that the tongue will want to return to its original position.

The right tongue posture

Mrs. tongue