
The Tongue Tie Clinic works according the following steps


During the consultation the dentist or general practitioner will check if a tight tongue tie and/ or lip tie is present and related to the problems mentioned in the intake form. Followed by an explanation whether the symptoms are related to the ties. An advice will be given about a possible treatment.


A Lactation Consultant IBCLC is present before, during and after the consultation and possible treatment to assist with the feeding. She is there to answer feeding questions and can help to prepare a bottle or assist latching on to the breast in a short time period. The wound will be checked after the feeding. There is a possibility to go to an aftercare appointment to have an extra check top regarding the wound healing and to answer feeding questions.

The right tongue posture

Mrs. tongue

Support and assistance

A Lactation Consultant IBCLC is present before, during and after the consultation and possible treatment to assist with the feeding. She is there to answer feeding questions and can help to prepare a bottle or assist latching on to the breast in a short time period. The wound will be checked after the feeding. There is a possibility to go to an aftercare appointment to have an extra check top regarding the wound healing and to answer feeding questions.

Aftercare tongue tie

Aftercare upper lip tie

Aftercare lower lip tie

Aftercare buccal ties

Aftercare stuffed animal dog

Aftercare young children


In case a treatment takes place, the treatment will be explained and what to expect after the treatment. Depending on the age, superficial anaesthesia is applied with a cotton swab before the treatment takes place for baby’s and young children.

Aftercare older child


A Lactation Consultant IBCLC is present before, during and after the consultation and possible treatment to assist with the feeding. She is there to answer feeding questions and can help to prepare a bottle or assist latching on to the breast in a short time period. The wound will be checked after the feeding. There is a possibility to go to an aftercare appointment to have an extra check top regarding the wound healing and to answer feeding questions.

Relaxing games baby

Trainen van een goede tongpositie

Tongspelletjes voor babys

Extra training

No one is anatomically equal. During an oral assessment and drinking behaviour it will be checked where the problems during feeding can be and if they are tie related.

Oral assessment and drinking behaviour

No one is anatomically equal. During an oral assessment and drinking behaviour it will be checked where the problems during feeding can be and if they are tie related.

Short investigation mouth baby by doctor

Compensation behaviour

If a tongue and- or lip tie is tight, this can be of influence on the surrounding muscles and structures. This can be a reason if baby’s can strat to drink in a compensating way and use muscles or their jaws which are not required during feeding.

Investigation of compensation behavior baby
