Why do you need an aftercare appointment?

Why do you need an aftercare appointment?

An aftercare appointment offers the opportunity to evaluate how (oral) habits have developed. This can be after a treatment and/or information session. The focus will be on the existing (nutritional) problems. In addition, it offers the opportunity to look back together on how a treatment went and to evaluate the recovery process regarding wound healing (if possible with photos). The current (oral) habits are discussed and you will receive tips for a further approach that suits you and/or your situation. If necessary, a referral to other healthcare providers such as a (pre)speech therapist, lactation consultant and therapist can be arranged. Or it is decided to schedule additional (online) aftercare to support you optimally.

We see babies and small children physically in the clinic for the aftercare appointment due to the more complex problems. Older children and adults can make an appointment for an online check by Teams.