Pain relief around the procedure / paracetamol

Pain relief around the procedure / paracetamol

Prior to the procedure, the doctor will numb the tongue or lip tie locally with surface anaesthesia on a cotton swab.

Overall anaesthesia or infiltration anaesthesia does not outweigh the disadvantages in babies and young and children.

A paracetamol suppository may be given before the procedure or afterwards. This is also a possibility prior to the aftercare exercises. If desired, pain relief for babies can be purchased in the clinic for after the treatment.

Paracetamol is a relatively harmless medication that has a fever-reducing and analgesic effect. You can give this on the basis of age and weight.

According to most package leaflets, the use of paracetamol should be given in consultation with a doctor under three months. However, it is indicated in pain, acute and postoperative. https://www.drugs.com/paracetamol.html

Rectal (suppository) is the most user-friendly. You can insert the suppository by sliding the tip up to 1 cm past the anus. Sometimes it is useful to hold the buttocks of your child together for a few seconds so that the suppository is not expressed.

You can buy paracetamol at the pharmacy and some drug stores. Because paracetamol can also be given to reduce fever, sales for children under the age of 3 months are not recommended with this indication. At a body temperature of 38 degrees or higher below three months you should always warn a doctor. The paracetamol is therefore exclusively given to relieve pain and discomfort.

Under the three months; 60 mg three times a day rectally

From three to 12 months; 120 mg three times a day rectally

From 1 year or from 10 kilos; 240 mg three times a day rectally