Stimulating milk production

Stimulating milk production

Your milk production could have suffered from ineffective milk transfer. Because your baby’s tongue wasn’t mobile enough. Your baby couldn’t hold on to the breast well. After the treatment your baby can learn to keep a better latch, so that he can empty the breast better.
In order to adjust the production to the needs of your baby, you often need extra stimulation, for example, by switching the breasts more often. Also apply breast compression. It is better to supplement extra milk at the breast with a tube/syringe or using the SNS, (breastfeeding supplementary system). It stimulates milk production at the same time. This video shows how. Here’s how you can use the SNS.

Watch this video from pediatrician Jane Morton how you can pump with compression and massage and also how you can hand express in order to increase your production. Also power or cluster pumping helps.

There are also herbs that help to increase production and the drug Domperidone. Ask the  Lactation Consultant IBCLC for a consultation.