Who can benifit from oromyofunctional therapy (OMFT)?

Who can benifit from oromyofunctional therapy (OMFT)?

Children who lisp (the tongue is then fully or partially pressed between the front teeth) have a so-called open bite: the front teeth do not close as they should . Children who lisp, with sounds coming from the side in the mouth (with the small molars) often have a lateral open bite. By means of orthodontic treatment, such open bites can be closed and the teeth will again line up nicely. Sometimes, however, we see an open bite emerge over time, because the cause of the open bite, in this case an incorrect tongue position, has been omitted.

– Persistant mouth breathing often causes teeth standing forward. Because the lips are not closed, they do not press backwards against the teeth. This causes the front teeth to stand out, partly due to the forward pushing of the tongue.

– Children or adults who have a different swallowing pattern, where the tongue pushes forward and outward during swallowing, have an open bite where the tongue presses, the teeth do not touch each other when biting.